What is Britannic's unique approach?

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of customers will leave your business because of bad customer service.

With four decades of knowledge, we transform business communication and help organisations like yours excel.

Britannic work with some of the biggest names and leading innovators in the Telephony, Digital and Workplace Modernisation space (such as 8x8, Calabrio, Five9, Google, Microsoft and Mitel) to elevate customer interaction management and fulfilment: making systems more collaborative, responsive and easy to use, scale and optimise.

When a business communications system is working at its peak this greatly benefits the customer service and journey but is also proven to make employees happier and boost employee loyalty and retention.


Benefits of Britannic’s Solutions

Increase First Contact Resolution

Resolve customer enquiries and problems at first touch. No matter the channel. Triage queries straight to the right department for response and bring instant gratification with more self-service options.

Single-Pane of Glass

Empower agents with a single screen to view and respond to customer enquiries. Are your agents using 10+ systems each day like most? Our mission is to cut this right down.

Save with Automated Processes

Take away the mundane and menial tasks, saving time and money. With smart tagging, rules and filters you can easily categorise and organise your enquiries. Meaning agents and customer service reps can prioritise responses.

More Self-Service Options

Provide instant responses to problems or queries with self-service portals. With knowledge base, ticketing options and chatbots to present customers with the answer they need immediately. Create workflow automation to escalate to a human if required.

Proactive Customer Engagement

Engage with customer channels on the channels they choose. Deliver integrated experiences across phone, email, SMS, webchat, social media and WhatsApp. Shift to a more proactive way of delivering customer experiences.

Scale and Flex in the Cloud

With digital customer experiences and contact centre solutions that can be delivered from the cloud, you can easily scale to meet your needs. Pay for the services you use and decide whether you’d like it hosted private or publicly, hybrid, solely in the cloud (or on-premise if you wish). Our B•CONNECTED cloud platform to delivers end-to-end solutions.

Broadening Customer Experience Channels

Emma Graham, Project Manager


A huge thank you for the help and support we’ve had from Britannic Technologies to get our new customer contact channels up and running, especially given the incredibly tight timescales. Project management and engineering were responsive and available, got the job done quickly and effectively, and we are live without a snag.

Woman with headset on

Add Value to Your Contact Centre

We design, deliver, support and continually add value to contact centre environments in close partnership with our customers and world-leading vendors (like Mitel, Five9, Avaya and 8x8).

Discover our contact centre solutions

We are proud to be partnered with the best

Customer Chat Robot

Contextual Communication Apps and Chatbots

Our contextual communication applications and artificial intelligence will work hard to support your organisation and provide the option of self-serve.

Discover contextual apps and AI

Chatbots and AI are the Future


of global consumers had an interaction with a chatbot over the last 12 months (Source: invesp)


of consumers have switched brands at least once in the last year. (Source: Connected Customer Report - Salesforce Research)


of interactions powered by AI will be indistinguishable from humans by 2025 (Source: Servion)

Woman on computer with headset

Voice Data, Recording and Compliance

From landline or mobile calls to instant messages and online video communications, we’ll help you meet the legal requirements of the FCA and PCI. 

Discover voice data compliance

Slow response times

76% of customers said that just one unpleasant contact centre experience would be enough to make them take their business elsewhere.

Lack of real-time engagement

Customers prefer to talk to someone either over the phone, through web chat or video chat. In fact 23% of customers seek face to face interactions for complicated customer service issues.

Being transferred to multiple agents

Many customers complain about having to repeat their issue to multiple agents and waste time being transferred. This happens when business’ workflows are not properly aligned with the chosen communication channel.

Excessive customer service automation

Everyone is different, some customers prefer to use WhatsApp whilst others enjoy using the telephone. Regardless of which channel customers use they should expect a consistent, quality service. Businesses that don’t focus on omnichannel strategies lose customers to those that do.

Poor support and lack of analytics

Transparency is everything and customers have vast swathes of information when researching your business, if the agent doesn’t match this knowledge it leaves the customer doubting the authenticity and future support they’ll receive. Utilising solutions to help train and support your staff to be better customer service champions means the customer is happier, but also the employee is happier and feels valued.

Not providing an immediate response

Over 80% of customers say they expect an immediate response to customer service enquiries, whether this is an acknowledgement or speaking to an agent to fix the problem. Furthermore, letting the customer know when you’ll get back about their enquiry if not immediately allows the customer to feel secure that they’ll receive the support they need.

Lack of consistent channel service

Everyone is different, some customers prefer to use WhatsApp whilst others enjoy using the telephone. Regardless of which channel customers use they should expect a consistent, quality service. Businesses that don’t focus on omnichannel strategies lose customers to those that do.

Can’t locate customer history

96% of businesses say that personalisation is an important part of their customer service strategies in the next 3 years. When a customer talks to an agent they will be frustrated if they have to repeat themselves. Additionally, your employees will seem unprepared, lengthening the customer resolution time and ultimately annoying the customer.

Do the above issues resonate?

Talk to us
Omni-Channel Experience

Deliver a Truly Omni-Channel Experience

Customer experience is your competitive differentiator and a key aspect of digital transformation.

Customers want to contact you whenever, wherever and on whichever channel they choose.

Our omni-channel customer experience management and customer engagement solutions work in harmony whether the interaction takes place across the phone, email, webchat, WhatsApp or social media (to name a few).

Using our orchestration layer, we’re able to automate processes, leverage your data and handoff actions straight to the correct department for resolution.

Request a friendly advisory call

Book a no strings attached advisory call with one of our experts today and start making positive, simple changes to your customer service strategy!

Send a message

If you’d like to talk to us about how we can help your customer experience either leave us a message or use the live chat.

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