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Your Added Value Technology Partner for Finance

We can help you differentiate yourself in this highly dynamic competitive market with the latest digital communications solutions whilst conforming to the highest security and compliance standards.

Security in the Cloud

Security is vital in finance storing customers’ wealth is the greatest responsibility. Financial organisations are choosing the cloud for improved data security, cost-savings, and flexibility. It is also advantageous for complying with financial regulations, including the use of cloud-based PCI compliance, and moves and changes are easy to make.

The Omni-Channel Contact Centre

An omni-channel contact centre provides all communication channels for your customers to contact you from a phone call through to social media. You need to cater for all customers to provide a seamless customer experience and operational excellence.

Save Costs with Disruptive Technology

Incorporate AI, ML, NLP, text to voice and voice to text to improve efficiencies, the customer and agent experience and save costs. Customers can talk to webchat bots, check balances, make payments and complete forms themselves to access information instantly. Automated channels can also be used to perform authentication and help to resolve queries.

Re-deploy Agents

With automation solutions agents can be freed up from mundane daily admin tasks and can be re-deployed to focus on higher value more complex enquiries. Agents can be focused on identifying potential sales leads and trained in upsell and cross sell of products.

Data for Customer Loyalty

It is easy to change banks with digital technology, so it is critical that financial organisations retain customers. Use data insights from digital interaction management solutions to offer more personalised products and services.

Knock down the Silos

Operating an omni-channel contact centre can be challenging with different data coming in from different communication channels. Implement a solution with a single view to ensure you streamline interactions and knock down silos to use data insights effectively.

HW Fisher & Co.

Drawing on Britannic’s strategic consultancy and solution design services, HW Fisher & Company has transitioned to a resilient Mitel UC environment and facilitated closer team collaboration for its accountants.

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Millenium Bridge London

Talk to our Finance Sector Experts

Our friendly team is on hand to answer any questions, we're all happy to help.

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