What is Britannic's unique approach?

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Benefits for Education

Britannic are experts in helping Higher Education organisations like yours to embark on a digital transformation journey whether that’s to modernise your existing telephony solutions, improve student engagement, automate processes, or create a digital learning environment. We can help you.

Be Prepared for the Switch Off

In 2025 BT will move all customers from the old analogue PSTN to a fully digital network. ISDN will disappear. Now is the time to be prepared and plan for your new infrastructure which will provide you with the flexibility to improve and add on new services. We will work closely with you to understand what your objectives are and how you are going to get there.

Reducing Costs and Improving Flexibility

Moving your telephony to the cloud enables you to take advantage of technologies such as SIP which will reduce your telephony bill and provide a robust and reliable solution with the ability to add on technology and applications when required.

Improve Students' Experience

Students’ expectations are higher than ever, and Universities and Colleges need to work extra hard to attract and retain students. By providing them with welfare services and the channels of communications they use such as social media you are enhancing their experience and the engagement process between staff and students.

Transforming Enquiry Management

Transform the student and staff experience by cost-effectively automating processes such as Clearing, open day registrations, admissions processes etc with a digital interaction solution. This enables students and staff to access information instantly and frees up staff from repetitive tasks to focus on other areas.

Connecting it all Together

Integrate front and back-office systems to ensure you have single view of digital interactions connecting disjointed systems together, simplifying processes and reducing operating costs. By integrating technology and systems together you can utilise the data collected to make intelligent improvements, and become a data driven organisation.

A Digital Campus

Create a digital campus for a digital learning environment, enhancing student engagement and welfare and providing a seamless omni-channel consistent experience for all.

Trusted by Frameworks for Education

Jisc Framework Logo

UK Government G-Cloud Framework Logo

Crown Service Supplier Framework Logo

London Universities Purchasing Consortium Logo

A Word From One of Our Happy Customers

Joe Yeadon - IT Manager

Godalming College

I am so positive about Britannic, they are consistent with delivering an outstanding service, there is never any sales pressure, and if we have an issue, it is fixed immediately. They came to our rescue at the start of lockdown and as a result, we have now interviewed hundreds of students using their solution which has facilitated the admissions process.

Featured Case Study

Godalming College

Godalming College uses Mitel IP telephony and SIP across its campus. Achieving cost savings of up to half their telephony bill and flexibility to add new applications.

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Students together

Talk to our Education Sector Experts

We’d love to start discussing your plans today. Whether you want to improve student engagement, start implementing automation or talk about your university Clearing strategy for next year. Let’s share some ideas.

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