What is Britannic's unique approach?

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Your Value Added Technology Partner for Legal

Helping you modernise and grow your business communications and differentiating you from your competitors. 

Working with Experts

We have over 30 years in the industry and will work closely with you to understand your business and your clients’ journey helping you to improve your communications and the clients experience.

Clouds the Limit

By hosting your telephony in the cloud you can easily build, manage and deploy the applications you choose in a secure, cost-effective way.

Collaborating for Success

Connect your lawyers, staff and clients together with Microsoft Teams providing you with the flexibility for them to communicate and collaborate wherever they are.

Automating Processes

Save time and money by automating processes that will improve your efficiencies and your client experience whether that’s for contracts, corporate counsel or communications. Our digital interaction management solution enables you to access all enquiries from a single view and triage and prioritise.

PCI Compliance

Our comprehensive cloud PCI DSS solutions ensure you are with a safe pair of hands protecting your corporate data against security and compliance breaches providing you with the highest standard of data protection. 

Data is the Answer

Maximise your data insights to learn more about the clients and internal processes seeking how to use the intelligence to continually improve and offer an outstanding service.

A Word From One of Our Happy Customers

Simon Gatward - IT Director


We now have a resilient and scalable communications network that will take us into the future. The flexibility that the solution, especially SIP, presents us with is invaluable for cost savings and freeing up the IT team.

Featured Case Study


UK law firm, RadcliffesLeBrasseur has taken a forward-thinking approach to business communications by adopting SIP for cost-effective call routing and absolute availability, boosting client service at minimal cost.

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One New Change

Talk to our Legal Sector Experts

We’d love to start discussing your plans today. Improving your clients' experience through smart use of technology and solutions and automating the vast amount of paper-work and digitising information into easily digestible pieces is what'll set your firm apart from the other antiquated, old ones.

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Four Service Areas. Unlimited Possibilities

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