What is Britannic's unique approach?

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Why Choose Five9 Through Britannic Technologies?

Agents of Change - Together we will deliver 5-star customer experience.

To get the best from hybrid working with modern, easy to use contact centre technology, you need a partner who really understands agent and customer experience and is skilled in managing change and mitigating risk.

Choose an experienced, visionary and capable partner to guide you, so you can maximise return on investment, achieve your goals and successfully transform your business.

With over 30 years of expertise in call and contact centres we provide excellent integration, management and customer support.

We are here to support you 24/7, with a customer satisfaction rate of 97% and a core network availability SLA of 99.999% you can trust us to deliver on our promises.

Strong relationships with Five9, our customers, and our complementary ecosystem partners enable us to innovate and deliver together.

We will share with you the latest insights, guidance and knowledge that will help you become the agent of change in your business and take it to the next level.

“By 2022, CCaaS will be the preferred adoption model in 50% of contact centers with over 750 agents, up from approximately 10% today.”

Gartner 2019

We're here to help

Get in touch

Add Value to Your Contact Centre

Head of Customer Service,

Distribution company

The solution has changed my life and modernised the contact centre. Britannic assisted us with looking at our existing processes and thinking about how we could change them to make them more efficient using technology.

Five9 Intelligent Cloud Contact Centre - Our Passion is your Customer Experience

Flexibility and Efficiency

Five9 enables contact centre agents to have more effective customer interactions across voice, SMS, chat email, social and video. Being cloud-based provides great flexibility and scalability.

Powerful reporting, analytics and performance tools combine to increase efficiency.

Workforce Optimisation

Empower your agents to deliver extraordinary customer experiences, with Five9’s Workforce Optimisation (WFO).

We have partnered with Five9 to ensure you get a tailored solution that fits your business needs.

  • Quality Management
  • Interaction Recording
  • Workforce Management
  • Interaction Analytics
  • Performance Management
  • CRM Integration

Pre-built Integrations

Five9 offers pre-built integrations with CRM solutions and UC solutions. Five9s pre-built integrations allow you to maximise your existing investments, increase agent productivity, enhance user experience, and will give your organisation competitive advantage.

Power Integrations work better together and enable you to transform your customer experience with every inbound and outbound interactions.

  • Pre-built CRM integrations
  • Custom CRM integrations
  • Leader in CRM integrations

Artificial Intelligence

Five9's Intelligent Virtual Agent (IVA) and Agent Assist are conversational AI solutions that deliver improved customer and agent satisfaction immediately. Allowing you to leave the harder tasks to your employees.

  • Tangible Business Outcomes
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Accessible to Any Size Business

Customer Satisfaction Rate


Service Level Agreement


Customer Support

Why Britannic Technologies are THE Trusted Five9 Partner

Thomas John, Vice President Partner Sales - International,


Partnering with Britannic we help businesses create a dynamic and innovative contact centre in today’s increasingly digital world. Britannic bring credibility, knowledge, experience and innovation to our partner ecosystem, and as the market shifts from on-premise to the cloud and beyond, our partnership will continue to deliver the solutions customers need to differentiate themselves.

Want to Know More? Check Out Our Resources.

Cloud contact centre has been a hot topic in the industry for some time, but moving your enterprise contact centre to the cloud is no small decision. We understand that migrating your contact centre is not something to jump into without considerable due diligence.

Read About Enterprise Contact Centre

Five9 supports a number of outbound automation capabilities to help you maximise selling time. Whether your sales organisation is B2B, B2C, high volume, low volume or highly automated, the Five9 solution can help you empower your agents and close more sales.

Read About Outbound Contact Centre

Talk to Our Experts about Five9

If you'd like to know more about how we can boost the value of a new or an existing Five9 contact centre get in touch and one of our dedicated and friendly Account Managers will be in touch shortly.

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