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Local Government Challenges and Opportunities

Britannic have been a trusted technology partner to Local Government and the Public Sector, for 15+ years. We’ve got an in-depth understanding of the key obstacles facing this sector, but also the key areas for growth.

Lack of Multi-Channel Comms

"Our office phones are ringing constantly, it's cost-ineffective to have an agent glued to the phone 24/7, we need solutions that allow enquiries to be answered through Self-Serve, SMS or even a Chatbot of some kind"

Call Volumes

"We get inundated with repetitive enquiries regarding bin collection, planning permission and local council tax support, these enquiries take up so much agent time it haemorrhages money"

User Call Identity

"Because of our old legacy systems being disjointed, we don't have an easy way to pull up the previous history of citizens, this not only wastes our agents time, but it makes our staff very frustrated"

Lack of Self-Serve

"A lot of our enquiries via the phone can be answered easily through a self-service solution, enabling the customer to find out the answers, freeing up our agents for other priorities"

Do these sound familiar? We'll help you fix them.

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We're on several government frameworks

UK Housing estate

A word from one of our happy customers

Britannic impressed us because they took the time to understand our needs and how our Council worked...[their] account management is excellent and they dealt proactively and pragmatically with any challenges that arose during the implementation of this project. They are a delight to work with.

Jo Dufficy, Customer Services Manager,

North Hertfordshire District Council

The Three Biggest Pressures on Local Government

Lack of resources and funding

Citizens expect high quality service

No omni-channel digital strategy that links departments

Customer Expectations have Changed


Feel lack of Omni-channel support

that it's rare or never even happens in the first place.


Want a call back

rather than wait in a queue or want the ability to request a call back.


Have to explain themselves multiple times

which citizens cite as the worst possible service and the biggest frustration

North Hertfordshire District Council

Britannic delivers faster services and significant cost savings for North Hertfordshire District Council through the deployment of a resilient Mitel UC and Contact Centre solution.

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North Herts Council
People looking at computer

Deliver a Better Citizen and Employee Experience

Talk to us. Let's review how your business could digitise everyday business processes, integrate communications systems and applications, and future-proof its network.

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If you’d like to talk to us about how we can help your housing association either leave us a message or use the live chat.

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