What is Britannic's unique approach?

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How we work

Britannic Technologies is a value-added reseller with a difference. We are a highly knowledgeable team of approachable, long-serving experts specialising in business communications, contact centre, unified communications, networking, automation and systems integration.

We go the extra mile to create value, mitigate risk and manage change effectively, building strong relationships based on trust. We collaborate with customers and class-leading partners to innovate and add value, achieving excellence in everything we do. Delivering on our promises!

Featured case study


As a result of the project, Peabody has deflected 30% of these emails from the contact centre. Agents no longer spend valuable time on mundane tasks, these are now automated. Across the business, agents are saving 30-40 hours daily. This has increased productivity across the contact centre and made jobs more fulfilling by giving agents more time to focus on complex enquiries, directly enabling them to increase first call resolution.

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The value we offer to you

Gain tangible business improvements through our experience, insight, best practice, innovation and award-winning service and technology

A dedicated highly experienced account manager ensures we meet your expectations and helps shape your ongoing direction

Privately owned and fiercely independent, we give you options and choice

We work in partnership acting in your best interests to solve business problems and enable successful business change and modernisation with appropriate technology

We keep it simple to help you meet your goals

Cyber Essentials Plus and ISO certifications 9001, 27001, 20000 and 22301

Seamless uninterrupted transition and solution delivery with our proven, structured onboarding and implementation plans that engineer out risk

Your satisfaction guaranteed with CSATs at 97% and NPS of 72 retained by attention to detail and tracked with surveys

Benefit from cost savings through efficiencies & improved customer engagement

Work with an innovative partner with new relevant ideas -We take ownership and facilitate great outcomes

Talk to us about your business needs

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