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Customers and employees reap rewards

As a result of the project, Peabody has deflected 30% of these emails from the contact centre. Agents no longer spend valuable time on mundane tasks, these are now automated. Across the business, agents are saving 30-40 hours daily. This has increased productivity across the contact centre and made jobs more fulfilling by giving agents more time to focus on complex enquiries, directly enabling them to increase first call resolution.


Months return on investment


Reduction in emails to the contact centre


Hours daily, saved across all agents

Integration with the contact centre

Peabody has a multi-channel approach for communication which offers greater flexibility and choice for residents, while lowering costs. Bizvu INBOX integrates into Peabody’s existing contact centre providing visibility and consistency for team members handling the interactions.

Streamlining service

The downside of increased flexibility was a lack of consistent formatting. Agents would have to either email or phone up the resident to find out the information. This meant agents would be spending a large amount of their time chasing up residents and would have less time to deal with new or urgent requests. By using INBOX, Peabody was able to take back control of the customer journey and handle communications more efficiently.

Improving customer experience

Today’s customers expect seamless digital services, access to real time information and a range of contact options 24/7. They want better digital access. By introducing a self-service journey, customers can be independent and are able to access information at any time, creating a better user experience. This is now the case for Peabody residents who can now check their balance, make payments, request call backs and much more, providing a much quicker resolution and improved experience.

Standing by our values of excellence and partnership

Coral Bannister, Digital Contact Centre Manage


Britannic and Bizvu have been fantastic to work with offering ideas and being extremely respsonsive. The teams at Britannic and Peabody are very closely aligned. They understand our business and we trust them to deliver innovative solutions.

The brief

Digital enquiry management

A fresh look at business processes and clever use of Bizvu’s INBOX software to read and action emails has had a positive impact on customer service in just a few months. 3 agents have already been freed up to handle more complex customer enquiries.

Modernising to meet digital demand

The Peabody Group is one of the largest housing associations in the UK responsible for over 104,000 homes and 220,000 customers across London and the Home Counties. The group is focused on providing simple and easy access to its services as part of its modernisation programme. To provide greater flexibility, Peabody offer residents a variety of contact methods, including email. Given the volume of emails received, Britannic Technologies, a long-term partner with Peabody, suggested the Bizvu INBOX solution that automates and triages digital interactions to improve customer experience and employee efficiencies

Talk to us - the solutions people

Since 1984, we’ve been matching business problems with the right technology solutions. Creating opportunities for growth, adding value and helping businesses disrupt their market. Digital transformation isn’t for the faint hearted, but fortunately it’s not a journey your business needs to do alone.

Get in touch with us to book an advisory call today with a member of the team.

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