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6 Key areas of interest for Housing

We’ve got an in-depth understanding of the key challenges for housing organisations embarking on their digital journeys; but we also know how to solve them!

Data & Insight

Data is the new oil, and with so much of it to manage you need to ensure all your back-end systems are linked up. We can help to reduce data problems like the need for double (or even triple!) entry and leverage vital customer service metrics through real-time dashboards. Update many systems and make better decisions.

Customer Centricity

89% of business leaders agree customer experience is now the primary basis for competition (Gartner). We’ll help you pinpoint key areas for improve to your service. Whether it be through adding more automation, introducing self-serve or implementing solutions that work to help motivate your workforce.

Empowered and Rewarded Remote Workers

The ability to work from home is no longer a benefit, it’s a necessity. If COVID-19 taught us anything, it is that we can continue to deliver a great customer experience and increase productivity from the comfort of our sofa. Our solutions for the contact centre and office all aim to increase mobility and flexibility.

Degrees of Cloudiness

Moving to the cloud can be nerve-wracking for many housing organisations. Since legacy on-premise solutions are rigid and limiting, it is a vital strategic move. We’ll work with you to create a communications infrastructure with the right degrees of cloudiness for you, with the agility to scale up or down.

Supporting Channel Shift

Our digital technology will help you to handle your digital interactions. Increasingly, customers want to be to communicate with housing associations on their preferred channel. We can work to automate processes, respond to incoming enquiries, prioritise, categorise, create queues and tickets for fulfilment.

Supporting Vulnerable Tenants

Utilising digital channels can be challenging for your vulnerable tenants. Our helpful tools like Webcall enable self-serve through chat, video chat and co-browsing. Perfect for assisting the vulnerable with ordering their food and medical supplies or will helping tenants navigate your site to find the right piece of information.

We're trusted by the housing industry

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Residential houses

A word from one of our happy customers

Britannic Technologies helped us to identify what our business requires, matching these needs with the solution that is a good fit for us, that we can afford, and provides the performance and results that we need. They have high levels of customer service, are highly responsive and aim to deliver what they said would be delivered.

Philip Jackson, Head of ICT and Business Systems

Advance Housing and Support

Featured case study

Advance Housing and Support

The journey to provide the best quality housing and support services and transform lives has moved a step forward with the provision of a managed wide area network and a centralised communications platform from Britannic Technologies to replace its separate, aging systems across 60 sites and reduce billing complexities.

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Front of house

Discuss your Next Housing Technology Project

No strings attached, just a conversation with one of our professionals. Let’s get to the bottom of what you want to achieve. Whether you want to automate more processes or introduce self-serve.

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