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Your Added Value Technology Partner for the Charity Sector

Britannic are experts in helping Higher Education organisations like yours to embark on a digital transformation journey whether that’s to modernise your existing telephony solutions, improve student engagement, automate processes, or create a digital learning environment. We can help you.

Legacy Systems Holding You Back

Aging telephone systems not providing a good service and holding you back, but you are fearful that you won’t get approval to update your infrastructure. The BT PSTN switch off is happening in 2025 and aged systems will no longer be supported so now is the perfect time to transition to a cloud solution to embark on your digital transformation journey.

Reduce Cost with Cloud Solution

By moving to a cloud solution, you can avoid capital expenditure and pay for the lines you use on a monthly rental model. Cloud solutions are flexible when you want to scale up or down which is useful to manage high volumes during fundraising campaigns. It is also easy to consolidate telephony systems over multiple sites helping you to deliver cost savings and keep operational costs low.

Increasing Resiliency

A resilient and reliable telecoms infrastructure is essential for availability when donors call in. If they cannot get through or are kept on hold for too long and their call is abandoned, they will not donate!

Modernising your Contact Centre

Engage supporters by making their journey of donating or contacting you as simple as possible. By providing an omni-channel contact centre you can offer all communications channels that your customers use from the phone, email to social media channels. Increasing the chances of them donating!

Connecting Everyone Together

Be more productive and increase efficiencies by connecting your staff, volunteers and donors together with unified communication solutions helping them to collaborate with each other on daily business or fund-raising ideas. Making it easy for them to communicate and connect by simplifying their journey.

Discovering New Ways of Working

Work with us to discover smarter and more cost-effective ways of working that will deliver your ROI and improve your customers’ journey. Digital interaction management solutions can automate processes to make it easy for donors to give a donation, increase efficiencies and present creative opportunities for growth.


As a result of the project, Peabody has deflected 30% of these emails from the contact centre. Agents no longer spend valuable time on mundane tasks, these are now automated. Across the business, agents are saving 30-40 hours daily. This has increased productivity across the contact centre and made jobs more fulfilling by giving agents more time to focus on complex enquiries, directly enabling them to increase first call resolution.

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