What is Britannic's unique approach?

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Benefits for Insurance, Quotes and Claims Handling

Differentiate yourself in this highly dynamic competitive market with the latest digital communications technology to increase customer engagement, improve efficiencies and offer a seamless customer and agent experience. While complying with regulation, data security and driving down operational costs.

PCI DSS Compliance

Our comprehensive cloud PCI DSS solutions ensure you are with a safe pair of hands

protecting your corporate data against security and compliance breaches providing you with the highest standard of data protection.

Modernise your Contact Centre

Customers want to contact you by using their everyday communications channels. By expanding the communications methods you offer from phone and email, to webchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, SMS and Twitter you will improve customer experience and engagement.

Attract and Retain Top Talent

Attract and retain top talent in the contact centre by deploying the latest digital communications such as a cloud omni-channel contact centre with INBOX, a digital interaction management solution. Your telephony will be based where you want it, (on premise, private or public cloud, or a hybrid mix) enabling your agents to work from home providing you with a larger recruitment pool to find the top talent you need and at the same time offering agents flexibility and work/life balance.

Reduce your Claims Handling

Save time and money by automating your claims handling processes with self-service where customers can complete forms and access information instantly without being passed from agent to agent. Improving efficiencies and making the customer and agent experience more seamless so agents can be freed from mundane daily admin tasks and focus on other areas of higher value.

Data – Expanding your Intelligence

Automation solutions will enable you to collect and collate data from the digital interactions and voice and email. Access this data in a single view and discover more knowledge on your customers. With this insight you can offer personal, timely and competitive offers to improve their experience and differentiate you in the market.  

Predictive Analytics

Using our predictive analytics you can also forecast insurers behaviour such as prioritising claims, detecting fraud, identifying renewal or purchasing trends etc. Increasing productivity, efficiencies, and margin. 

Diagram of Automated Claims Handling Technology and Solution

Slash your Claims Handling Time by 1/3

With our Flexible Digital Claims Handling Solution

We offer flexible and scalable claims-handling solutions. Tailoring the solution to meet your specific business needs. Helping your firm to save serious time and money spent on FNOL and the claims process.

The diagram below is an example of what we can build but remember we’re not prescriptive. We’ll build the right solution for your business from scratch if needed.

We’re able to tackle these core areas with our digital claims handling:

  • Reducing data input
  • Automating payments for low claims under a threshold you specify
  • Automatically validate on checking

A Word From One of Our Happy Insurance Customers

Lou Lwin - Group Head of Enterprise Architecture

Markerstudy Group

To be able to generate not just reports using NETX2, but real-time insight into call behaviour is a fantastic boost to our ability to be a responsive data-led organisation. It gives us a unified and meaningful view of the environment, saving time and effort.


Markerstudy's Investment in Business Continuity Planning Pays Off

Setting up 3,000 employees for homeworking in two days before lockdown

London, 30th April 2020 – Britannic Technologies, specialists in voice communications, systems integration and managed services, today announced that its long term customer Markerstudy, experts in motor insurance products and complementary services, deployed 3,000 of its staff to work from home in just two days. It was a seamless transition for Group Contact Centre agents, some of whom have never worked from home before. The quick and painless implementation demonstrates how many businesses have had to adopt an agile strategy in response to the COVID-19 lockdown, so that they can continue as normally as possible.

View Markerstudy Press Release
Featured Case Study

Kelliher Insurance

With an integrated Mitel communications solution, Britannic has helped Kelliher Insurance Group to consolidate business communication services across its trade brands and to unlock previously unrecognised sales opportunities.

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Kelliher Insurance Logo

Talk to Our Insurance Experts

Our friendly team is on hand to answer any questions, we're all happy to help.

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