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Your Added Value Technology Partner for the Professional Services Market

Britannic are experts in helping Higher Education organisations like yours to embark on a digital transformation journey whether that’s to modernise your existing telephony solutions, improve student engagement, automate processes, or create a digital learning environment. We can help you.

Understanding the Client Experience

We will work closely with you to understand your client’s journey and how it can be improved for your agents and clients. Discovering what your objectives are and how you are going to get there we can design, deploy, and deliver a solution bespoke to your business. 

Building Connections

Update your telephony to enable staff to work from home seamlessly, connecting remote, office workers and clients together through mobile and collaboration solutions. To deepen relationships by simplifying communications.

Automating Processes

Students’ expectations are higher than ever, and Universities and Colleges need to work extra hard to attract and retain students. By providing them with welfare services and the channels of communications they use such as social media you are enhancing their experience and the engagement process between staff and students.

Modernise your Contact Centre

An omni-channel contact centre provides all communication channels for your customers to contact you from a phone call through to social media. You need to cater for all customers to provide a seamless customer experience and operational excellence.

PCI Compliance

Our comprehensive cloud PCI DSS solutions ensure you are with a safe pair of hands protecting your corporate data against security and compliance breaches providing you with the highest standard of data protection.

Data is the Answer

Maximise your data insights to learn more about the clients and internal processes seeking how to use the intelligence to continually improve and offer an outstanding service.

A Word From One of Our Happy Customers

Tony Blonk, IT Director

HW Fisher & Co

Our teams have actually discovered new, productive ways of working using MiCollab. Screen sharing and remote desktop control are particularly valuable features, to make faster, more informed and timely decisions. Audit teams at client sites that traditionally had to return to the office to obtain sign off by a Partner, for example, can now do so remotely and deliver against client requests sooner. It really saves the teams a lot of time.


The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) had been working on PDQ machines for payments over the phone; this proved time consuming and inefficient. We moved them to SIP telephony and a cloud PCI solution to increase efficiencies and make compliance easier.

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the IET logo
Credit card and phone in somebody's hands

The Technology

  1. DTMF portal
  2. NETX2 SIP portal

Talk to Our Professional Services Experts

Our friendly team is on hand to answer any questions, we're all happy to help.

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