What is Britannic's unique approach?

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Secure, adaptive and high performing networks to connect your world

In our ever-connected world being online and available is of critical importance. With over 20 years networking expertise we are well placed to advise, design, deliver and support your business connectivity requirements, with a secure and proactive managed service.

Our team of network experts are on hand to talk through the many available choices to meet the performance expectations of your business ranging from superfast 5G, Fibre, Secure Internet Connectivity, LAN, Wi-Fi, SD-WAN, IoT Connectivity and PSTN replacement services optimised for realtime communications and critical business applications.

Whatever you choose our close relationships with leading Tier1 carriers and service providers, augmented with our NOC, networking specialists and proactive monitoring gives you superior network quality, commercial terms and a customer-focused managed service.

The Britannic Way      The Britannic Way      The Britannic Way      The Britannic Way

Improve resilience and capacity

Achieve savings

Deliver new OTT services

Access cloud services securely

Connectivity into existing WANs, data centres and public clouds (e.g. AWS)

Designed, delivered and managed by a single supplier

Britannic cloud platform

Presenting B•Connected: Our Cloud Platform

Our cloud platform B•CONNECTED is a high performing, scalable, resilient, secure and high performing architecture. It has been specifically designed to support mission critical applications and services, giving your business the power to adopt new systems and overlay legacy infrastructure quickly and easily.

Empowering your business to change and move to the cloud at a pace to suit you, without you having to build and manage the infrastructure, freeing you up to focus on running and developing your business.

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4G and 5G Networking: Keep connected wherever, whenever, always.

Connect your organisation, people, and systems securely and reliably with our cloud and connectivity options. From fully managed network services, a range of public cloud offerings to a market leading private cloud platform we’ve got you covered.

We can assist you with public and private cloud options through our B•CONNECTED cloud platform. Enabling you to deploy applications and other digital tools rapidly in a flexible and cost-effective way.

Talk to us about Pangea

Unrivaled reliability and security

We guarantee no down-time or lost connections our networks are always on. We boast all four UK networks in our single SIM meaning devices automatically switch in the event on an outage.

100% transparency and control

No longer go to devices to see what's going on, you can monitor and manage everything from the palm of your hand. With effortless management tools you can simply make changes on the fly

Easy configuration, effortless installation

Place the SIM and hey-presto, you're online. No need to wait months for installations or engineers or even digging up roads to lay cables. You can be connected now!

Future-proof, scalable, tailored

Swap old, rigid tech for complete and endless flexibility. With endless customisation options and intelligent add-ons, we'll make sure you get exactly what you want.


UK law firm, RadcliffesLeBrasseur has taken a forward-thinking approach to business communications by adopting SIP for cost-effective call routing and absolute availability, boosting client service at minimal cost.

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