What is Britannic's unique approach?

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Migrate to SIP and Manage it Effectively

Hanging on to ISDN and PSTN fixed lines? We manage the migration of your fixed line connections to SIP. When you’re ready to make the move, we’re here to move you over safely and without disruption to your ongoing operation. In the meantime, we support your existing ISDN and analogue lines and help you plan your move to SIP, at a time and pace to suit.

Our market leading NETX2 portal is the perfect tool to help you manage your voice communications. It’s been designed to give you full visibility over your inbound and outbound voice communications. With powerful analytics tools, customisable dashboards and widgets, reports scheduling, call flows and business continuity planning.

Real-Time Insight into Call Behaviour

Lou Lwin, Group Head of Enterprise Architecture,


To be able to generate not just reports using NETX2, but real-time insight into call behaviour is a fantastic boost to our ability to be a responsive data-led organisation. It gives us a unified and meaningful view of the environment, saving time and effort.

Our Voice Network Services Span

Line rentals

Inbound and outbound services

SIP trunks and routing

Number porting

Billing and reporting

Call cost audit

NETX2 portal

Your Flexible SIP Management Portal

Our SIP portal, NETX2 has been created from the ground up, with the vision to empower customers with self-service. It has a wealth of features and functionality that we’re constantly developing. Take control of your calls and call environment.

  • Customisable real-time dashboard
  • Analytics
  • Call flows for routing
  • Blacklisting and whitelisting
  • Full encryption
  • Disaster recovery testing

NETX2 logo

Talk to the Experts

Speak to a member of the team about your SIP migration or our NETX2 portal. Get in touch with us today!

Contact Us

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