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Once long ago, hotels and other hospitality businesses occupied a fairly simple space in people's lives—they were a place for guests to lay their heads away from home. But anyone who's spent time in the hospitality industry in the last several years knows that the role of technology in hospitality businesses has drastically expanded.

In many cases, they're becoming hubs of activity unto themselves. Most of this activity relies directly or indirectly on technology, making IT more important to hotel operations and the guest experience than ever before.

So we're here to share ten of the top communication technology trends in hospitality today. Check them out and think about which ones make sense for your business. And if you see an opportunity, you can get out in front and begin planning accordingly. After all, in hospitality, every advantage counts.

Trends we'll cover in this post:

  1. Cloud Communications
  2. Service Automation through AI
  3. Smart Guest Experiences
  4. Going Touchless
  5. Wireless Mobile Devices for Staff
  6. Virtual Reality
  7. Tech Lounges & Bleisure Travel
  8. Self-Service Meeting Spaces
  9. Green Technology
  10. Predictive Analytics

We’re delighted to announce that we’ve been accepted onto the Digital Outcomes and Specialists 4 framework. Similar to the G-Cloud framework, it’s a government initiative to help public sector organisations find the right digital transformation partners.

In this article, we’ll outline exactly what being on the Digital Outcomes and Specialists 4 framework means, how we’re delivering change in the public sector and why we don’t think digital transformation should be the main focus.

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An Overview

Set to run for 12 months, this fourth iteration replaces its predecessor. The framework helps to drive digital transformation in the public sector. It’s on the Digital Marketplace and gives organisations the ability to buy, design, build and deliver their digital outcomes using an agile approach.

The Digital Outcomes lot provides teams to work on a digital service. To be eligible, you must provide services within at least one of the following capabilities:

  • Design
  • Performance analysis and data
  • Security
  • Software development
  • Support and operations
  • Testing and auditing
  • User research
  • User experience and design

Buyers create a requirement using the Digital Marketplace, where suppliers are given the opportunity to propose a solution and provide a team. The supplier cannot work outside the scope of the written requirements of the outcome, meaning the risk is lower for the public sector organisation. There’s a process for creating an outcome, outlined on the Digital Marketplace.

Delivering Transformation in the Public Sector

Having already helped many public sector organisations transform their services and business communications, we know the key issues they face. Lack of resources, budget restrictions and a culture not ready for change are all key roadblocks we’ve encountered. But with our new approach and innovative technologies we’re able to defy to odds to deliver transformational projects successfully; on time and on budget.

One of our clients for example, a Council, recently implemented a Conversational AI solution to assist with the number of menial enquiries coming into their contact centre. In the last month the AI digital assistant fully handled 3500 enquiries. Providing their citizens with a quicker, accurate and efficient customer service. The solution also means their employees can crack on with more urgent cases whilst AI deals with the drudge.

Microservices are going to prove vital for the public sector. With so many services to deliver to their customers, microservices create agility, redistribute human resource effectively and reduce the cost to serve.

For example, a microservice concept being taken up by Councils is an app that deals with all enquiries coming in about bin collection. Their contact centres receive many thousands of enquiries about bin collection each month. Using Conversational AI and Robotic Process Automation (RPA), it is quick to create an all in one microservice that enables citizens to self-serve. From asking which day their food waste will be collected, to ordering a new dustbin, everything for this service Councils provide could be taken care of – automatically, without the need for agent involvement.

Business Process Automation (BPA) is another key area that we can help organisations deliver. Public sector organisations like the NHS will greatly benefit from the automation of processes. For example, repeat prescriptions could be automated using AI and ‘if this, then that’ rules. If the patient needed to have an appointment before they can receive the prescription, then the system could do this for them. Otherwise, if the patient can just proceed and pick up their prescription, the pharmacy can be automatically notified that the patient’s prescription is due so that they can start preparing it for them. Then all the patient needs to do is pick the prescription up. No human intervention required.

Start crafting your Digital Outcomes today
– we’re ready to meet them!

We’re About Workplace Modernisation

Digital transformation is great, but we think about the bigger picture. Our business movement of Workplace Modernisation is about engineering the right culture, business change process and customer experience, underpinned; not made by technology.

Our Orchestration Layer encapsulates how we’re able to deliver solutions that are completely integrated and work in harmony across public sector organisations.