What is Britannic's unique approach?

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Seamlessly Delivered & Expertly Maintained Voice Solutions

Our team of certified experts help customers modernise existing systems and workplaces, in partnership with industry leaders such as 8x8, Five9, Microsoft and Mitel to connect the enterprise (both front and back office), leveraging tools such as Microsoft Teams and other value-added services and technologies for seamless and cost-effective communication.

Working in true partnership with our customers we will successfully design, deliver support and evolve communication systems; empowering your people with modern tools to improve team working and collaboration, delight your customers and deliver the competitive edge.

VoIP Office Phone Systems and Cloud Telephony Services

Ready for the IP Switch?

Our VoIP Office Phone System & Cloud Telephony Capabilities

Everything needed to maximise your business communications performance.

Interactive Voice Response (IVRs)

SIP trunking

Next generation SIP portal (NETX2)

Private Brand Exchange (PBX)

Great Bandwidth


Microsoft Teams integration capabilities (NETX2Teams)

Computer Telephony Integration (CTI)

Keen to get your project underway?

Request an advisory chat
SIP Management Portal

A Flexible SIP Management Portal

SIP trunks cost-effectively support the complex requirements of your unified communications environment.

Our added-value SIP portal, NETX2 empowers our customers with self-service. Take control of your calls and call environment with fully customisable dashboards, analytics, call flows for routing and much more. Read more about how NETX2 will enhance your voice strategy.

Request an Advisory Chat

A member of the team would be happy to discuss your VoIP or cloud telephony strategy. Submit the form below to request a no strings attached advisory chat.

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We aim to respond to all enquiries within 72 hours.

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