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PBX or SIP Trunk MS Teams Integration

We understand the collaboration benefits of utilising Microsoft Teams as part of your Office 365 subscription.

Using a simple add-on, you can connect to your PBX or SIP Trunk in minutes, enabling making and receiving calls on any device using the Microsoft Teams App. Never compromise on call quality, with this integration solution you’re able to combine rich collaboration and call experiences.

  • Make and receive business calls on any device from any location
  • Works well with Microsoft Teams on PC, Mac or Mobile
  • Quick and simple implementation in minutes
  • Simple low-cost monthly subscription
  • Enterprise grade encryption and security built-in

Windows Microsoft Teams Screen Display Example

Your Same Voice Services

You can keep all your service provider, phone numbers and call bundle.

No Hardware or Software Required

As a multi-tenant cloud solution, you only pay per user subscription.

Enterprise Grade Solution

Built for resilience and high availability, distributed across multiple data centres.

Ask Us About Microsoft 365 Integration

Interested in finding out more about Microsoft Teams integration and how it'll make your employees' and customers' communication journey and collaboration more seamless? Talk with one of our friendly experts now.

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