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Why Invest in an 8x8 XCaaS Solution?

End-to-End communications combined

8x8's XCaaS solution joins every journey, channel and department together, forming a cohesive communication platform and strategy. We can overlay existing solutions too such as Microsoft Teams. Your employees will thank you and most importantly your customers will too!

Britannic Technologies added value

  • Excellent customer satisfaction with a market-leading NPS score of 72.
  • Highly skilled engineers with top level accreditation ensure high quality implementation.
  • A named project manager works through the plan with you, mitigating risk.
  •  Dedicated account manager with your interests at heart.
  • SLAs of 99.999%.
  • First-class integration skills.

Resilient, reliable,  available 24/7

The 8x8 XCaaS model is built on the most disaster-proof infrastructure meaning that your service - in the absolute worst case - will continue as normal as there is no single point of failure. Your business communications carry on as normal, always.

 Gartner winner 10 times in a row

Our 8x8 XCaaS solution is a market leader, not only because it was the first to envision and enable a combination of Unified Communications and Contact Centre, but because the platform is under constant development and improvement from dedicated and enthusiastic experts.

Spotlight: 8x8 Voice for Microsoft Teams

Don’t compromise on call quality. 8x8 is a cloud platform with advanced telephony and contact centre capabilities for Microsoft Teams.

  • Unlimited global calling for Microsoft Teams
  • Integrated cloud contact centre for Microsoft Teams
  • Advanced telephony and contact centre analytics for Microsoft Teams
  • Out the box integrations for major CRM and business productivity apps to support Microsoft Teams

Why Select Britannic Technologies as your 8x8 Partner?

Highest level of 8x8 expertise

Britannic Technologies and 8x8 is a strong partnership built on trust, experience and knowledge. Great technology complemented by a partner you can trust to listen, advise and act in your best interests.

Impartial and considered advice and management

Britannic Technologies are industry leaders when it comes to customer service and satisfaction. Our key values are built on forming trusted and close-knit relationships with our customers through dedicated and personable account management.

Business communications experts

With over 30+ years of implementing solutions that improve employee and customer experience and engagement, Britannic Technologies are the safest bet to help enact change within your organisation.

Continual improvement and vision

Customers stay with Britannic for the long term. We don't just have our finger on the pulse, we focus on strategy and innovation, positioning businesses well for the future.

Additional solutions, advancements and APIs

XCaaS has the power to go further with Britannic Technologies, as we have our own market-leading, powerful and proven enhancements allowing businesses to customise and flex to their specific requirements.

Quick and Smooth 8x8 Rollout

Ben Barnes, Group Head of IT,

DRC Group

Thanks to Britannic’s smooth deployment process, we were able to quickly and easily rollout 8x8. We were particularly impressed with their knowledge, flexibility and the willingness to assist across the team. From the account managers to the projects team and technical engineers, I feel Britannic really added value.

Changing something as critical as a communications platform is a big undertaking, but the well thought out onboarding process gave us confidence and mitigated the risks. Implementing 8x8’s X Series and utilising the 8x8 Work platform has meant that we are truly able to operate from anywhere. This is already reaping benefits, both with our staff who have returned to the office, and with those working remotely.

Personal, Precise and Powerful Business Communications

Great Experiences with a Cloud Contact Centre

Keep pace with changing customer expectations using 8x8’s contact centre. It boasts voice and digital channel support, intelligent routing and proactive self-service options.

Make Data Driven Decisions with Analytics

Data enables us to make better informed business decisions. 8x8 provides vital insight into your contact centre in the form of speech analytics, scheduled reports and workforce management insights.

One Solution for Unified Communications

8x8 empowers your team to operate from anywhere. Whether they are a contact centre agent or business executive; meet, chat and collaborate with just one simple tool across any device.

Flexible and Scalable Business Communications

One Unified Communications Solution

X2: Integrated Communications

  • One click from chat to voice to video meetings
  • Company-wide team messaging
  • HD video conferencing with screen sharing
  • Integration with CRM & business applications

X4: Smarter Global Engagement

Includes X2 capabilities plus:

  • Unlimited global calling for UC across 47 countries
  • Supervisor & service quality analytics
  • Streamline call handling with Switchboard Pro
  • Call quality reporting

Add a Contact Centre

X6: Basic Contact Centre

All X4 capabilities plus:

    • Voice-focused contact centre
    • One click subject matter expert access
    • Customer engagement analytics
    • Customisable wallboards & dashboards

X7: One CCaaS Interface for Voice and Digital

X7 included all X6 features plus:

    • Social media
    • Chat, email & SMS
    • Co-browsing capabilities

X8: Customer Experience Transformation

Includes all X7 feature plus:

  • Integrate voice, email, webchat and social media
  • Advanced speech and interaction analytics
  • Quality collaborative performance management
  • Screen-recording, real-time multi-screen monitoring

Start Your Journey to Cloud-Based Communications Today

Speak with a member of our team about 8x8, use the form below to request a demo or schedule in a quick chat.

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