What is Britannic's unique approach?

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Meet your Legal Requirements

From landline or mobile calls to instant messages and online video communications, we’ll help you meet the legal requirements of the FCA and PCI.

For financial institutions and firms in highly regulated sectors, we make the contact centre compliant with encrypted, tamperproof call recording solutions and call suppression to meet PCI Data Security Standards.

Alternatively, we provide a cloud PCI solution that helps you process card payments securely over the phone whilst still talking to your customers, greatly reducing the number of PCI controls and simplifying auditing and management. Our PCI solutions integrate with your systems and keep customer data safe.

Understand your Customers

Customers these days expect more, that’s why your experience needs to be improving always.

Customers these days expect more, that’s why your experience needs to be improving always.

Our call recording and transcription services help you to capture and evaluate how your customers feel about you.

Understand the areas your business is doing well and where your customer’s frustrations lie. Our recording and transcription services will help you to glean the context, intent and sentiment of every interaction within your business. Voice data is valuable insight into how you can make your customers happier.

Informed Training for your Employees

Train your employees for every thinkable scenario. With recording and transcription services, you can continually improve and personally develop your staff.

Leaving you to easily identify patterns in your customer’s behaviour, present employees with very real scenarios in their training and help understand the areas where your employees need more development and support.

With this you can work to not only develop your contact centre agents and upskill them, but improve the customer experience and continually improve your internal business processes.

Increased Efficiencies and 30 Hours Saved a Month for The IET with a New PCI Solution

Britannic Technologies have been very supportive throughout the project. From guiding us through what we required to designing and deploying the solution and then providing excellent ongoing support throughout.

Lesley Roe - Data Protection Officer

The Institution of Engineering and Technology


The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) had been working on PDQ machines for payments over the phone; this proved time consuming and inefficient. We moved them to SIP telephony and a cloud PCI solution to increase efficiencies and make compliance easier.

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the IET logo
Credit card and phone in somebody's hands

The Technology

  1. DTMF portal
  2. NETX2 SIP portal

Got a Voice Challenge? Put it to us.

We solve business problems. Any problems. There’s more to us than just being a technology company. We understand what makes businesses tick and have some amazing plug in and go technologies that will set your business apart from the competition. Set us the challenge and see what we come up with!

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