What is Britannic's unique approach?

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Systems and application integration

Our netCONNECT platform is the customer experience amplifier; by connecting your communications platform with your CRM and software applications to unlock a smooth information flow. Your telephony-related expenses will start to diminish as productivity rises, reducing the cost to serve.

Management and Reporting

Get complete, real-time transparency, data and historic analytics to help measure the performance of your contact centre. With our partner eco-system we deliver the best-in-class advice and solutions to optimise service levels and identify need for further training and support of agents.

Self-service and Automation

First call resolution is the customers dream experience, so why deny them? With intelligent call routing and intuitive self-service options. Inbound automation speeds up low touch interactions and frees up your best-skilled contact centre agents to solve complex customer issues and add value to higher value interactions.

Enhance Customer Social Channels

We help you integrate your social media channels into the contact centre for rapid, personal social service and live interactions with your customers. Issues get resolved on the spot and questions answered to shorten the customer journey accompanied by full and detailed analytics making the agents job faster and easier.

Introducing Calabrio Workforce Management (WFM) Software

A Flexible Approach for the Modern Contact Centre and Employee

Britannic with partner Calabrio are eager to showcase the functionality and benefits of our WFM (Workforce Management) solution that allows contact centre managers easy, proactive and reactive support for their staff and the tools to empower and train them. With over 15+ functions and a number of benefits that aren't afforded by other software we're confident you'll be impressed by our offering.

  • Agent self-service functionality, breaks, lunches and schedules and overtime
  • Shift bidding provides employees the ability to tailor their prefered work schedule
  • Agents can notify you of their overtime availability in advance, meaning they are able to quickly cover for emergencies or sick leave
  • Shift trading and holiday planning
  • Data insights and metrics available to every agent for greater team cohesion
  • Shared workforce calendar and auto-notifications of team changes or reschedules
  • Real-time adherence metrics help managers reward employees who regularly hit KPI's and offer support for those who need it.

Your Contact Centre is in Safe Hands With Us

I have nothing but praise for Britannic. The quality of service and support, and attention to detail went beyond my expectations. The seamless, uninterrupted transition was thanks to Britannic’s structured onboarding methods and their clear, jargon-free approach. We really were in safe hands, and I feel sure they will guide us well in the future as we continue to transform our customer engagement.

Kerry Bhella - Operations Director

Rainbow International

Upgrade Your Contact Centre with Digital Solutions

Streamline Multiple Inboxes

Give your contact centre agents complete digital enquiry visibility. INBOX works to automatically read, respond or route your emails, social media interactions, chat, and WhatsApp messages. It can prioritise, categorise, and create queues and tickets for fulfilment.

  • Automates mundane and repeatable processes to allow your agents to focus on priority customers.
  • Non-invasive and rapid deployment
  • Consistent message handling
  • Easy integration with your contact centre

Intent-based Chatbot

You can utilise BiziBOT across any channel, from social media sites like Facebook to more traditional platforms like your website. Achieve higher customer service ratings, implement online self-service and increase engagement with customers across your business.

  • Deliver instant routing, FAQs and automated responses
  • Automate the collection of data before passing to an agent, reducing contact time
  • Automate ID&V
  • Chatbots can deliver a 40-80% call deflection rate

Level-Up Agents with Gamification!

Our solution REVIEWS will enable you to set appropriate targets for all staff in the contact centre. It will reduce staff turnover, increase your chances of recruiting and retaining talent, encourage behaviours that meet targets and improve the customer experience.

  • Host tournaments and game battles
  • Collect vital agent data
  • Map user performance
  • Enrich the agent experience

Mercury Holidays

Mercury manage thousands of digital interactions with INBOX. We deployed their digital INBOX to streamline customer enquiries with categorised, automated and prioritised responses for Mercury an award-winning holiday and escorted tours company.

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Mercury Holidays Logo
beach aerial view


One of the largest full-service dental and healthcare suppliers in the UK wanted to modernise its workplace and improve customer experience. Britannic improved customer service levels dramatically enabling them to streamline communications and increase efficiencies.

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DD logo
Dentist tools


The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) had been working on PDQ machines for payments over the phone; this proved time consuming and inefficient. We moved them to SIP telephony and a cloud PCI solution to increase efficiencies and make compliance easier.

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the IET logo
Credit card and phone in somebody's hands

The Technology

  1. DTMF portal
  2. NETX2 SIP portal


As a result of the project, Peabody has deflected 30% of these emails from the contact centre. Agents no longer spend valuable time on mundane tasks, these are now automated. Across the business, agents are saving 30-40 hours daily. This has increased productivity across the contact centre and made jobs more fulfilling by giving agents more time to focus on complex enquiries, directly enabling them to increase first call resolution.

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Peabody logo
Block of flats

The Technology

  1. INBOX


UK law firm, RadcliffesLeBrasseur has taken a forward-thinking approach to business communications by adopting SIP for cost-effective call routing and absolute availability, boosting client service at minimal cost.

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RLB Logo
One New Change

North Hertfordshire District Council

Britannic delivers faster services and significant cost savings for North Hertfordshire District Council through the deployment of a resilient Mitel UC and Contact Centre solution.

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North Herts Council
People looking at computer

Advance Housing and Support

The journey to provide the best quality housing and support services and transform lives has moved a step forward with the provision of a managed wide area network and a centralised communications platform from Britannic Technologies to replace its separate, aging systems across 60 sites and reduce billing complexities.

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Front of house

We design, deliver, support and continually add value to contact centre environments

In close partnership with our customers and world-leading vendors, only the best.

Providing a great customer experience requires the expertise and solutions that help you meet ever-changing customer demands. We will transition you to a business operating model that is lean and agile.

Innovation, strategy and ambassadors, the contact centre is more than just technology.

Our discovery workshops and cloud-based solutions contribute towards creating an omni-channel experience. Working across your website, email, social media, text, voice, chat, WhatsApp and review sites out the box (but we will give integration with anything a go!). Choose a solution where you can integrate your choice of new products and services as your market and budget dictates.

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No problem! Just fill out the form below and we’ll happily book in a slot to explain more about our contact centre options. It will take just 15 minutes of your time (or longer if you want!).

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