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Fix Your Organisation's Disjointed Customer Journey.

Emails are one of the hardest communication types to control and their volume is ever-increasing. Inbox is the platform for your organisation to continue to deliver a great customer and agent experience, meet your SLAs and create a smoother customer journey.

Do any of these sound familiar?

"Our Trustpilot Score could be a lot better!"

Inbox has supported our customers, on average to increase reputation scores by 1.2 stars by being able to design their email customer journey, removing ‘white noise’ emails and reducing contacts per resolution.

"Customers complain about waiting times for a response"

By removing unnecessary emails Inbox frees up your agents' time to be more productive, reducing response times.

"Employees need multiple windows open for customer info"

Using Inbox’s open APIs, you are able to ‘pop’ your customer record along side the email, reducing the need for multiple windows to be open.

"Our agents spend a lot of time on mundane data entry"

Using Inbox's parsing ability and API tool, you are able to read and extract data from emails and attachments and push it to back office systems….saving you time and reducing human error.

Spend time on higher priorities.

"Customer tickets, emails and enquiries often get missed"

Whether natively or by integrating with your contact centre, Inbox is able to prioritise and present emails to agents so none will be missed. Cherry picking is stopped and productivity will increase.

"I have minimal MI around emails"

How many emails can your agents deal with in a day?  What type of emails do we get? Gain visibility around email traffic with the built-in dashboard and raw data export. No need to manually count or watch agents live.

Get the MI you need!

Inbox in Action!

INBOX reads, sorts, correlates and threads emails. reassigning them based on custom rules. INBOX can integrate with your contact centre; passing relevant interactions to staff for rapid response or orchestrated business processes.

More Business Benefits of Using Inbox

Much Lower Cost to Serve

The price of an agent physically dealing with a phone call, email or social media message are in the £££'s. Inbox's cost to serve is in pence.

Better visibility

Tracking the emails and how they are being routed improves visibility and resource use across the business. Helping you to better manage peaks and troughs in demand.

Help Priority Customers

Inbox can be automated based on rules you create, meaning agents not only have to deal with fewer enquiries but their time will be freed up to prioritise the most important or emergency customers.

Higher First Contact Resolution

Inbox can respond to communications based on rules and tags, meaning repetitive enquiries can be automatically resolved, greatly increasing first communication resolution.

Add Human Value!

Get in touch

Your people are your biggest asset. Empower them to add value, making their jobs more fulfilling and deal with more complex and valuable enquiries.

Inbox Saves Day for Mercury Holidays

Neil Whitaker, Head of IT,

Mercury Holidays

In the most challenging business climate we have ever seen, the biggest gain for us implementing the Inbox solution is efficiency. We have automated the organisation of our workload during this hectic time and now have the ability to implement self service for our customers which will lead to improved efficiencies and vast cost-savings

Mercury Holidays

Mercury manage thousands of digital interactions with INBOX. We deployed their digital INBOX to streamline customer enquiries with categorised, automated and prioritised responses for Mercury an award-winning holiday and escorted tours company.

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Mercury Holidays Logo
beach aerial view

Inbox in Action


of digital enquiries answered automatically within 2 weeks of implementation


enquires handled by INBOX during the first week


of enquiries automated within 3 days

Request an Inbox Demo

After requesting an Inbox demo using the form below, you’ve taken the first step to rapid customer service automation and improved customer engagement. A member of the team will be in touch shortly to arrange a suitable time!

Request a demo

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