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We’re all probably starting to get sick of the phrase the ‘new normal’. It is widely used to describe the new state of the workplace post-pandemic. Hybrid working, business continuity and homeworking cybersecurity are all core themes we’d argue are associated with the new normal.

Now is a good opportunity to look beyond the new normal; to the future reimagined. Inviting you to rethink your business models and modernise in line with people, process, technology and data.

In Brief:

Data First and the PPT Framework

The PPT framework or the Golden Triangle, consists of people, process and technology. Having been around for a long time now it details core best practice information to form the basis for organisational change.

The PPT Framework Diagram

The PPT framework is a timeless model, we’d argue all three elements are highly relevant still. One modification though, data needs to be added into the mix.

The PPTD Framework Diagram

We see data as sitting in the centre of the PPT framework. Underpinning and assisting your business in making decisions about people, process and technology. A data first strategy is vital for reducing rework, improving quality, making data driven decisions and providing the best customer experience.

When considering new technology or modernising existing systems, you should consider how to reduce data silos with the integration available. So that the same, up-to-date information is available throughout your company.

Rethinking the PPTD Framework

Coming out of the pandemic means that the PPTD framework aspects have shifted.


We know hybrid and flexible working is here to stay. So, the real question is: how will businesses connect their teams and support employees working from home?

Striking the right balance is crucial and homeworking should be something that’s optional and an added perk to flexibility. How many times per week will your team meet face-to-face in the office and which days will be optional homeworking days?

We know that during the pandemic mental health deteriorated (unsurprisingly) but working from home arguably had a negative impact. 67% reported feeling less connected with colleagues, 46% say they are exercising less and 39% report developing musculoskeletal problems (Royal Society for Public Health).

So being able to promote a healthier lifestyle whilst working at home, ensuring to exercise and take regular breaks and an awareness to burnout is going to be a key theme in the future reimagined.

This healthy balance also sees the shift in focus from successes being seen as outputs rather than the number of hours spent sat at a desk.

With the right performance monitoring software you can engage and motivate your people to help:

  • Map user performance
  • Re-engage remote workers
  • Work towards increased outputs with points that contribute towards bonuses


Our approach to processes is shifting too. During the pandemic projects that would have typically been long and drawn out have been implemented with lightning speed.

Now in the future reimagined, businesses need to regroup to consider the pace and methodology of change. How should it be managed moving forwards with the benefit of hindsight post-pandemic?

There’s no point keeping processes from the ‘old normal’. The new focus is moving towards leaner ways of working. Where businesses can eliminate what they don’t need and reduce waste.

We’re already starting to see this as part of supply chain disruption. Automation will play a key role in making processes lean. Helping to remove manual and menial tasks to save time, focus on higher value areas and improve the quality of your customer service.

But change needs to be managed and people need to buy in to new processes and ways of working, which requires an open-minded culture.


Now that technology, in particular cloud-based tech, has made hybrid working possible for businesses, the next focus is going to be on using open APIs to enable easy integration of systems. Some businesses may have deployed their remote working solutions in a hurry and will realise that they need to combine them or remove incumbent tech that adds no value.

Being able to integrate new technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), process automation, workflows and bots with backend systems like a CRM is also going to be crucial in this new digital first world.


Some have said data is the new oil, but we see it more like the water in the pipelines around your organisation. It needs to be able to flow effectively through all your systems to provide a single source of the truth.

Being able to effectively flow the data around your organisation is vital for utilising it effectively. Technology can of course help, removing the need for manual data update by extracting unstructured data and moving it through to backend systems as structured data.

The Future Reimagined

Here are the core takeaways businesses needs to consider as we enter a new and reimagined future.

#1 Optimising hybrid working

This includes how businesses will support and motivate their people, particularly when working remotely. During lockdown mental health deteriorated, due to a variety of factors, however it has highlighted how important it is to regularly check in with people.

Cloud technology has demonstrated how quick and easy it can be to setup users ready for homeworking quite literally overnight. Businesses will continue to look for more cloud options, due to their flexibility and security features. The challenge will be implementing cloud technology that’s able to integrate with existing communication systems. More businesses will opt for technology that is API-centric. Easily allowing two software programmes to communicate. So, you can plug two systems into one another or overlay older infrastructure with new systems without having to rip everything out and start again.

We’ve seen some optimise their Microsoft Teams subscription for example by connecting it to one of the latest cloud based phone systems or SIP trunk. To help combine a superb collaboration tool with quality call experiences.

#2 Build a culture of change

“Change is the only constant” – Heraclitus

The past two years has taught people to be more adaptable. Within business, this mantra should be carried through in all operations. Building a culture of change is about creating a culture that isn’t afraid change, one that embraces it.

It helps to:

  1. Regularly ask employees for feedback
  2. Maintain an open and transparent culture
  3. Give employees the training and guidance they need to use tools effectively
  4. Focus on employee engagement
  5. Accept mistakes happen with implementing change and learn from them

#3 The digital customer experience

Customer experiences are moving increasingly online. After the pandemic where digital was the only option, having the ability to self-serve was crucial. Whether it’s through FAQs, a chatbot or self-service portal. In the future reimagined, there’s going to be even more demand for self-service capabilities.

Many thought leaders recognise that the focus is going to shift to delivering a seamless experience, everywhere. Cynthia Stoddard, CIO and SVP of Adobe said “The new customer experience (CX) cannot be digital only. Customers will expect the same experience and consistent information regardless of the medium. The CX in the ‘new normal’ must be much more seamless and consistent everywhere”.

Bots will play a key role, not just in communicating with customers but increasing efficiencies. It’s gong to become more about how you can connect the dots between the different channels, from voice, to social media, to chatbots.

Using bots will help to automate processes, leverage data and ultimately shave the time it takes to resolve customer enquiries.

Our Convergence Summit 2021

If you’d like to find out more about the future reimagined and how it will affect your business, come along to our Convergence Summit on the 3 November 2021. We’ll look at the above core themes at this virtual technology event!