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Research from the Cloud Industry Forum finds a massive 87% of cloud users feel that their migration could have been improved…

Migration to the Cloud - Britannic Technologies Blog

The Cloud

Migrating customers to the cloud is a huge part of the work that we do, and something that ultimately we want to deliver to all our customers due to the business benefits:

  1. Easier to manage
  2. More flexible
  3. Quicker to scale
  4. Simpler expense models..
  5. Improved efficiencies
  6. Increased productivity

The list goes on.

The Research

This research from the Cloud Industry Forum throws it all into disrepute however and found out the following statistics:

  1. 87% of cloud users felt their migration could have been improved
  2. 38% wished it had cost less
  3. 31% struggled with complexity
  4. 35% wanted better tools from their Service Provider

The research goes on to state that these installations cause some pretty serious issues:

  • Lost productivity during implementation
  • Delays in time to market
  • Negative impact on customer experience

One positive note of the research found that 55% of cloud users experienced a competitive advantage from using cloud services and a further 23% anticipate the same result.

Alex Hilton, CEO of Cloud Industry Forum stated:
Although these difficulties do not seem to have impacted businesses’ enthusiasm for cloud, improving the overall experience of cloud, from service design to service migration and management, should be an ongoing focus and priority for the industry to further enhance the benefits of cloud.”


The Analysis

It worries me greatly these results. The cloud is no longer an infant technology packed full of teething problems chewing on anything it can wrap its pudgy little hands on.

It is a highly developed and mature platform, having graduated from University some years ago and currently making its parents proud taking a Masters.

The possibilities of cloud are enormous, and one of those at front and centre is the simplicity of it all. So to hear that such a large proportion of cloud adopters are finding it to be a complex, time consuming and fraught exercise leaves me a bit perplexed.

I wrote a whitepaper titled Telecoms - Migration to the Cloud a year or so back now, but the messaging and information is still totally relevant to today:

Successfully migrating telecoms to the cloud is all about understanding the customer, their needs and objectives, and mapping that process out. Once you get to that point where there is a clear route and path and you deliver against those measurables it becomes simple.

Migration doesn’t have to happen all in one lump, it is measured and managed in chunks, preventing these issues and errors from occurring and staying on top of them if they do.

We work with many customers conducting exactly this process every day and our customer satisfaction scores routinely reach over 97%. Where is this 87% of customers struggling with their cloud implementation?

Have you migrated to the cloud or thinking about doing it? We would like to hear from you about your experiences, are you in the 87% or the 13%?

To find out more about Britannic’s Cloud Services then head to our website now.